Monday, July 28, 2008

Staph-ing Problems

"I could use another coffee."

This is how it started. "I could use another cup of coffee."

He couldn't use another cup of coffee. His cup of iced coffee was sitting on my desk, my desk, still half full. But, I had said "Ok, I'm going to go get a coffee now" meaning, of course, "I can't take this anymore. I have to get out. I need air!"

"This" is day one of buddy training.

It wasn't an invitation, I was trying to be nice, and I chose coffee as a convenient excuse because I knew he didn't need any more coffee - but Buddy invited himself along anyway.


I've been holding back all day. I have been keeping the conversation on point: Training oriented jargon; Lots of acronyms. I have not recounted funny anecdotes from my vacation. I have not made small talk. Just the facts.

So we're standing in the elevator lobby, not saying anything, and Buddy, just to be saying something, I guess, says

"I had surgery this weekend...I actually got a staph infection. It's the kind you only get in hosptials."


"It's resistant to like 90% of medicine, so they gave me two antibiotics to take and the it's been making me feel really sick the past few days."

So, your slimy staph-infected surgery wound wants to come with me to Dunkin' Donuts? I don't think so, Buddy. I'm going to to CVS for some hand sanitizer, stat.


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