Monday, July 10, 2006

A Cure for what ails you me us

I don't think anyone should be required to come in to work on Mondays. I feel so strongly, in fact, that I would make that the central tenet of my congressional platform. They'll call me the "long-weekend candidate."

Also among my goals will be to nationalize Dan Goldin Day, abolish stupid laws, and make economics a required course for all college students. I had some other goals too, but I've forgotten them.

Back to the main issue: The weekend should include Monday. Everyone would be happy. No one hates Mondays anymore because it's a day off, and no one will hate Tuesdays because it's the start of a four-day work week.

Decades later I'm sure people will begin to forget that Monday was once a dreaded day on the calendar, and start hating Tuesday as the begining of the week.

That's ok. Let Tuesday see how it feels for a while.

And know I've got some critics out there. "Only a hippie/liberal/republican/unionist would make Monday the third weekend day. True patriots say it should be Friday!" They'll shout. "What have you got against Friday?"

I say to you I have nothing against Friday, in fact, I love Friday - and so do you! Everyone looks forward to Fridays as the start of their weekend, and you ask me to take that away?

Let's not overlook the fact that such drastic change, as my opponents propose, would ruin a nation-wide franchise of quality resturants, because the phrase is not "Thank Goodness It's Thursday," is it? No.

No, if we cancel work on Fridays henceforth it does nothing for Monday's reputation, nothing to cure "the Mondays," nothing to help the legions of beleagured workers across the nation.

Perpetual long-weekends. Vote for Tom.


recommended download:
bluegrass anything.

Oh, and one month mandatory vacation.


mance01 said...

TGI Friday's should have nothing to do with it. That place sucks. Although I do enjoy their new ad campaign " look just like my ex-wife." Good stuff.

Johnny Sapphire said...

This is my comment to say I am actually reading your blog.

Donny said...

Drop the 1 month vacation plank of your platform or you'll be labeled as a Francophile.

craziasian said...

I like Mondays.

Tom said...

Adina's a communist.

craziasian said...
